Our Vision

Mission Statement

Our mission is to grow in loving God
and in loving our neighbor.

(following Matthew 22:37-40)

As a church family, we practice Christ’s love and mercy toward each other.  We are inspired by the mercy and practical service to neighbor that Jesus demonstrated and has called us to follow.  Our passion for this calling is lived out in a growing number of ways.
This church family has long supported a Cambodia ministry,  by providing dozens of scholarships a year to help young people there to train for a career.
Locally, we serve closely with hunger-relief and empowering ministries such as the Chattanooga Community Kitchen, Northside Neighborhood House, and Fresh Fruit and Vegetable distribution at Rivermont Elementary, along with a Snack Pack ministry for food-insecure children, the Red Bank Community Food Pantry, and the children attending Dupont Elementary. 
We also provide love and service to the Humane Educational Society.”
If these ministries touch on your own calling from Christ, come and share Christ’s heart within you among us!

Church Policies

Our church policies on Code of Conduct and on Child Safety are available by request from the church.
Please contact the webmaster if you would like to see a copy.